How Do I Cure Gum Disease?

The definition of a cure is to relieve you of the symptoms of a disease or a particular condition. We’ll start by simply saying when it comes to gum disease the best cure is your own preventive oral hygiene. That’s correct. You can never experience this disease by just doing what the health industries suggest that you do. That is to brush your teeth well twice a day and to floss between your teeth once a day. By taking this time; such a tiny piece of your life, you can prevent ever having gum disease cary north carolina. If you do indeed get the disease it can be cured, or reversed, if caught in time.

What is Gum Disease?

By not brushing properly you are leaving a bacteria carrying sticky substance on your teeth called plaque. Over time this plaque hardens into tartar. When either plaque or tartar comes in contact with your gums the bacteria will start an infection. This first stage of infection is called gingivitis and almost half of the American adults over the age of 30 have some level of gingivitis. You’ll notice your gums are swollen, a deeper red in color, and when you do brush your tooth brush will be pink from the beginnings of some bleeding. The first step of you knowing you might have the disease is to recognize these changes in your mouth. The disease is relatively painless so you won’t get any warning signs in the discomfort department. When you see changes, schedule an appointment with your dentist. They will proceed to scale and plane the teeth to remove this plaque and tartar. They will go as far down the root as necessary to remove all of the bacteria, plaque and tarter. This is the easiest, non- surgical cure. With an antibiotic prescribed the infection will subside and you will be back to normal.

Curing at the Next Level

When gum disease advances past gingivitis it is now called periodontitis. This is when the gums recede from the teeth creating pockets. The pockets in turn hold more bacteria carrying particles accelerating the disease. This level can be cured as well but possibly not back to normal. When the disease progresses this far you may start to lose both tissue and bone. Surgery is now necessary to both scale and plane the roots and you may be required to wear an appliance of sorts to stabilize the loose teeth to let them heal. You don’t want the disease to get this far.

Focus on Prevention for the Best Cure

By realizing you need to visit your dentist twice a year for regular evaluations you are on the way to creating good oral hygiene habits. Your dentist will evaluate your teeth and gums and instruct you on how to both brush and floss your teeth properly. It is literally that easy. A few more minutes a day to protect an asset that is difficult to assess a value to; that being your smile. Your mouth, through biting and chewing, not only allows to enjoy food but delivers nutrition to keep you alive. Appreciate your mouth and exercise good oral hygiene habits, the best cure for you.

More About Gum Disease & Periodontal Therapy : What are Symptoms of Gum Disease?